List Of Big Project Ideas

From Science 3.0
Revision as of 00:20, 26 January 2023 by Shalsey (talk | contribs) (Added couple more project ideas.)

Jeff Yee (creator of Energy Wave Theory) suggested that any new Science 3.0 type community would benefit from having a big project (with a definable end goal). It may be a good idea to run multiple projects simultaneously in different groups? Here is a list of some possible project:

Project Details Completion Goal
New source of energy Energy is commercialised
Climate change reversal Temperature stabilises back down to pre industrial revolution levels
Computing power Achieve goal of huge increase in computing power that quantum computers are aiming for, but possibly not using same methods that rely on existence of quantum "weirdness". If new theories give new insights, this could be possible via a different route Computers run at 1 trillion (?) times current speed using same physical and energy resources?
Food and water production Improved understanding of chemistry and biology could lead to new or much cheaper food and water sources. Hunger and thirst eliminated globally.